10 Creepiest Deep Water Creatures

  • 6 лет назад
Top 10 most mysterious & creepiest creatures in the deep sea you wont believe ually exist from the Vampire Squid to tube worms!\r
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5 - Knifenose Chimaera \r
Scott Tanner, a fisherman from Nova Scotia Canada pulled a strange looking fish from the ocean depths in march of 2016, it had green glowing eyes, a long pointy nose, a narrow thin tail and two fins which looked a whole lot like scaly wings. The roughly 3-foot-long crazy looking aquatic creature is called a Knifenose Chimaera, a distant relative of the shark, with a skeleton of pure cartilage. Fossils of Knifenose Chimaera ancestors date back approximately 350 to 375 million years ago and not a whole lot has changed. These fish swim along the ocean floor utilising their 6 pointy teeth to catch fish and invertebrates, their long snouts for which they get their namesake, come in handy for hunting as well as they are equipped with electroreceptors which allow heightened senses, even sensing heartbeats of potential prey. Knifenose Chimaera dwell around 380 to 2,600 meters beneath the oceans surface. These creatures have been nicknamed Aliens of the Deep. \r
4 - Vampire Squid\r
Despite their demonic appearance and vampiric namesake these ocean creatures do not feed on blood, they eat drifting particles called marine snow, sucking them up through two long sticky filaments, yes, kind of like fangs. This elusive species can survive in extremely low-oxygen environments, living its entire life without sunlight in temperate and tropical deep ocean depths. The vampire squid shares similarities with squids as well as octopuses, it was first classified as an octopus but now they say squid, just go with it. These tiny creatures usually only reach a length of about 1 foot with colour varying from jet black to pale red, a webbing of skin connects its tentacles which give the appearance of a cloak. The creatures eyes are proportionately the largest in the entire animal kingdom, appearing as red or blue. This unusual deep sea animal is almost completely covered in light-producing organs called photophores, which imbue the ability to produce bright flashes of light to stun prey. These fish of the dark inhabit depths of 600 to 900 meters or more. The nickname for this delightfully creepy aquatic critter is the Vampire Squid from Hell. Catchy title, if I do say so myself.\r
3 - Coffinfish\r
These flabby, spiny unusual creatures are a small species of sea toad, usually not growing bigger than 8 or 9 inches, they dwell primarily in the salty temperate waters of the South West Pacific ocean and off the coast of Australia, where most creepy things come from. This bizarre fish spends a majority of its life sitting on the ocean floor though sometimes they take strolls, thats right these amazing creatures can ually get up on their fins and walk along the ocean floor. Another cool tidbit, these fish are similar to pufferfish with a defence mechanism which allows them to blow up their bodies to appear as big powerful round balls of doom. Coffinfish can usually be found inside muddy depths of 50 to 300 meters below the ocean surface. \r
2 - Giant Spider Crab\r
Just look at that thing! Its super creepy and unbelievably huge! Part spider, part crab this species of marine crab resides inside the waters around Japan and has the largest leg span of any arthropod reaching 18 feet or sometimes even bigger, and thats just its claws! The body of these fearsome creepy crawlers can grow 16 inches and can weigh up to 42 pounds. Found in aquatic depths of approximately 50 to 600 meters below the surface these crabs have been known to fight back against fishermen and have caused several injuries with their powerful claws. Some Japanese have dubbed them tall legs crabs. \r
1 - Fangtooth Fish\r
These delightfully nightmarish under the sea dwellers are the deepest-living fish ever discovered, they are found in icy depths of around 5,000 meters. Fangtooth fish are small only growing about 6 inches in length, with their fanged teeth being proportionately the largest in body size of any fish, so big in f that they are unable to close their jaws completely. These bizarre aquatic beings are riddled with serrated edges along their thin scaly skin, their fins are small and spineless. The fangtooth have small eyes relatively high on their heads, their colour varies from brown to black, their haggard jaws are full of mucus cavities outlined by serrated edges with a thick skin covering giving them a frightful ghastly appearance. Fangtooth fish are rarely found since they live so far below the surface and in frozen waters, their durability makes them all the more fascinating and creepy.