The Worst McDonalds Products

  • 6 years ago
Everybody knows that McDonalds isnt very healthy and good for you but how disgusting are their burgers, cheeseburgers and milkshakes really. Find out now!\r
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Heres a fun f: McDonalds isnt the best food for you. Shock revalation, I know. But. really, just how bad could it possibly be? Really, really bad. From chemicals to needles to maggots, lets take a look at some of McDonalds grossest moments and ingredients.\r
Coca Cola, just in general.\r
Ok. Lets talk about how digusting and deadly this stuff is, shall we? If any of you have been subscribed for awhile, you might remember the video we did on Coca-Colas dark secrets. But for those of you who didnt watch that video, heres a refresher. Coca-cola is so acidic, itll completely disolve steel nails and full-sized t-bone steaks.\r
The never-molding French Fries\r
Those McDonalds french fries are delicious, arent they? Just the right amount of salt, perfectly crispy. Sure theyre full of the same stuff they put into yoga mats, but whatever, right? At least they taste good. Ok, lets seriously look at the f that these fries never seem to age. Just look at this picture of McDonalds french fries in a jar that were left out for 180 days. Do you see how theres no mold, no bugs eating it?\r
Whats in that milkshake?\r
Ok, heres the thing. The milkshakes arent made from cow eyeballs or sytrafoam balls, as some old stories might lead you to believe. This really shouldnt come as any surprise though, because the idea is pretty far flung. The shakes arent made with milk and ice-cream, but they arent made from whatever your crazy grandma thinks either.\r
Theres a lot of things you wanna taste when you bite into a nice burger. The meat, the cheese, lettuce, etc. Whats not really all that high on the list is a half-inch long nail. 40 year old Yusuf Bercil ordered a burger from a McDonalds in Hisingen, Sweden, and was rewarded with a nail through his gums, inbetween his teeth. The employees at the resturant had any idea how the nail could have possibly gotten into the beef, and McDonalds offered an apology, and Mr. Bercil didnt persue legal ion. Hes said that hes still scared of fast food, afer 6 years. I would be too.\r
Gum is good. It keeps your teeth clean and it helps fight bad breath. Burgers are also good. Theyre tasty and filling. These two things are good, but not together. Its like chocolate and ketchup. So that means the when Max Ipinza ordered a Big Xtra from a Canadian McDonalds, he basicly got a cocolate and ketchup sandwich, because when he took a bite out of his urger, he pulled someones used gum out of his mouth.\r
Flys lay eggs. Its the circle of life and all that. Those eggs hatch and become fly larvae that eat flesh to grow strong and become full fledged flys. We call these larvae maggots, and theyre generally considered disgusting. You can maybe guess as to where this is going. Yeah, a man in Melbourne, Australia got a little surprise in his Big Mac. around 30 maggots living in the meat. Apparently, when he took the burger back to the store, he was laughed at, but offered a refund anyway. Leigh Savage is definitely not going to be ordering anything from Mickey Ds for awhile.
