2017 - My Toughest Year On Youtube

  • 6 years ago
2017 is at it's end and so many great things happened this year. It's also been one of the toughest years I've had on Youtube since I started. So let's talk about it all and start of 2018 with a BANG!!!

There's a lot of stuff in this vlog that I didn't word correctly and some of it sounds very "woe is me" but I just sort of turned on the camera and started talking and this is what came out so of course I ramble and repeat myself.
A lot of this year was me spent confused and feeling like I was running in circles with no clear direction of where to go. Lots of possibilities but no focus or drive. Parts of my youtube world fell apart this year and I'm trying to figure out where to go next but I am very focused on what I need/want to do next year and I will fully dedicate myself to accomplishing those goals and ideals. I want to make this channel amazing again and completely surprise you :)

►Twitter :

Outro animation created by Pixlpit:

Outro Song created by "Teknoaxe". It's called "I'm everywhere" and you can listen to it here
