Indie Film Stickers and Pinup Girls and a Foot Race

  • 16 years ago
Besides having one of the world’s largest collections of stickers, the StickerGiant also does custom stickers. StickerGiant's custom printing team has been working hard making stickers for cool people and companies all over the world. George Romero’s Zombie Stake Charlotte crew came to us wanting Brains…Actually all they wanted was a simple paper 2-color sticker for a low price. We met the request with this awesome sticker of George Romero via American Zombie. George Romero’s Zombie Stake Charlotte is a film festival celebrating the films of George Romero, and brain food. If you are in Teton valley, Idaho on the third Saturday in July, Check out the Tin Cup Challenge charity run. The StickerGiant team stepped up to the plate when Community Foundation of the Teton Valley asked us to print this awesome 4-color design marking the annual Tin Cup Challenge. This event has a rich 11 year history serving the community and raising money for local charities. There are many ways to show appreciation of the female form, if your form of appreciation is in the form of pin-up girl stickers, the StickerGiant has your girl. These high quality vinyl stickers may be just the thing to spice up your world.