[Pilot] Video Jockey Express S0E0

  • 7 years ago
Copyright © 2017
Created by The Posse
Now on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

All footage used in this pilot will not be broadcast on live Television: they are used for explanatory purposes of introducing the show to potential clients or producers.

For questions or business inquiries, please email:


Video Jockey Express is an Avant Garde experimental comedy show which utilizes clips from unknown or relatively forgotten footage and manipulates them to create a new story in a comedic way. Similar to many shows on this station, the show is created with a similar audience in mind by making edits to create gags, a narrative, a tone, or a mixture of all three.

The show has an “after-dark” urban 90s feel. Hip-hop is played between sections, and the visual look uses dark and undersaturated colors.

The show is split up into three parts. The first and main feature would manipulate footage from a national (US or English) movie or an episode of a show, which would take around 5-8 minutes. The next is a music video in the style of MTV, which takes a song from an independent band in an attempt to give them more coverage, eating up around 3-4 minutes. The last section is manipulating imported footage (Outside the US or non-English), and creates a new narrative along with visual editing gags that would take around 3-5 minutes. In between each section is an intermission in the style of Adult Swim’s B&W bumps where Jockey (creator) talks to the audience and makes anecdotes or answers questions. The end of the show lists a “fair use” label and lists off the credits, or source material followed by the nicknames of the creators of the show. More features, such as dubbing and actual story arcs from the footage, can be available as the seasons roll on or as per request.

For the lazy: www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf


