How To: Mod 12V Power Wheels to 18V SAFELY

  • 7 лет назад
This is a 12 Volt Power Wheels Dune Racer, which is one of the best kids cars that you can get and do this to. Its rated for over 120 lb to ride in it, seats two, and you can even put seat belts in it.\r
If you want to up it to 24 volts (not recommended) you just need to connect another 12 Volt battery, or the two 6 Volt batteries in . The reason I put two 6 Volt batteries in parallel in this SERIES PARALLEL circuit, was so there would be enough juice for it to drain the main 12 Volt battery at about the same rate as the 6 Volt batteries. Otherwise it wouldnt run as long on one charge, and you wouldnt drain the 12 Volt very much (not good) while emptying the single 6 Volt battery. You are supposed to drain and fully charge all batteries of this type (different batteries in the world require different care taking steps). Check the ex model of your battery for charging instructions in you dont have the original manual. But normally its to use it as much as possible, and charge uninterrupted for between 16 to 30 hours. NEVER charge more than 30 hours. It could be really bad. Also, for most of these batteries, they like to be fully drained and fully charged, so if they are not used for over a month, give them a full charge, and always store them in a cool, dry place, NEVER store them in the vehicle when not in use.\r
You can get the batteries, chargers, and wired plugs online, both from the manufurers and secondary sites, like eBay and such. I even got a lot of my stuff on Craigslist.\r
You may leave a comment if you have a question, and I will most likely answer you soon. But, I am not a professional, and I dont know everything.
