Rabbit Birth - A video diary of Kindling Complications

  • 7 years ago
Rabbit breeding can be full of headaches. If a doe only conceives one or two kits, she will often go well over the normal 31 days gestation. The kits wind up huge, and she has a lot of trouble giving birth to them.\r
The crazy thing is, even if the doe does retain a kit, it isnt necessarily a disaster for the doe. Rabbits have an uncanny ability to wall off infection. Even with normal deliveries, it isnt unknown for a doe to not give birth to all of the kits inside her. Sometimes they just stop having effective contrions before all of the kits are out, and one or two dont get born with the others. Kits that get retained like this die, of course, and their bodies can get mummified inside the mothers uterus. A mummified kit canlike an IUD on that side of the does uterus, stopping the production of kits from that side. You can feel a mummy inside the doe.
