ARMY Strong Stickers, Free Running and The Grateful Dead

  • 16 years ago
Hello, I'm Katie Brevard and I’m Izzy Fischer, welcome to StickerGiant TV. Besides having one of the world’s largest collections of stickers, the StickerGiant also does custom stickers. StickerGiant's custom printing team has been working hard making stickers for cool people and companies all over the world. Like the General Support Aviation Battalion whose mission is to provide air movement of personnel and equipment for combat support. Our mission was to make a laminated white vinyl sticker for The fine men and women of the GSAB. It was out way of saying “good job” to our troops doing their job in the Armed Forces. Hybrid Free Running is a mixture of gymnastics, dance, artistic expression and getting from point “a” to Point “b”. Hybrid Free Running wanted to put their mark on the real world, so we fixed them up with some awesome stickers with their slogan… “Dream it, Drill it, Do it” If you’re a dead head, let your freak flag fly by showing off a Grateful Dead sticker from StickerGiant. Whether you Like the “steal your face” or the dancing bears stickers, We’ve got enough Dead stickers to cover an entire micro-bus. I'm Katie Brevard, and I’m Izzy Fischer thanks for watching and don't forget to tell a friend about stickergiant.