Java Fern Plant Guide and How to Grow and Care for Java Fern

  • 7 лет назад
Java Fern Plant Guide and How to Grow and Care for Java Fern\r
Quick Stats\r
Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallons\r
Care Level: Easy\r
Water Conditions: 6-8 ph and Soft to Moderately Hard\r
Temperature: 22–27 °C (72–82 °F)\r
Maximum Size: 13 ½ inches (35 cm)\r
Java ferns are an incredibly easy plant to grow, and to fail with this plant you almost have to ively be trying to kill it. Unlike many other plants, it doesnt need a specialized substrate, and it will also do well without the addition of carbon dioxide.\r
One of the great things about Java fern is that very few fish seem to bother with it – even fish that are constantly on the prowl for a tasty aquatic plant salad. While it probably still wont survive for long in a goldfish tank, it does do quite well with larger cichlids and many herbivore fish.\r
Plant Guide: Java Fern\r
Growing Dense Java Fern\r
Freshwater Plant Profiles - Java Fern\r
Java Fern: How to plant it or not\r
Java Fern Care\r
Species Information: Java Fern\r
Plant Profiles: Java Fern\r
Microsorum Pteropus\r
Caring for Java Fern \r
How to prepare java fern narrow/Microsorum pteropus narrow\r
Java Ferns Trick on Grown\r
How to Plant Java Fern or Anubias\r
How to propagate Java Ferns in an Aquarium\r
Java Fern Windelov, Tri-dent Java Fern, Java Fern- Species\r
How to propagate Java fern
