Intego Personal Antispam X5: Keeps your Mac Inbox Spam-Free

  • 16 years ago
Intego Personal Antispam X5 is the ultimate spam-fighting tool for Mac OS X. Personal Antispam X5 analyzes your incoming e-mail, determining which messages are spam and which are valid messages, and does so in many ways: by checking a whitelist and blacklist of addresses, message headers, content or layout, URLs in messages, and much more.
Personal Antispam X5 uses a set of plug-ins to provide the most powerful spam filter available. You choose which plug-ins you want to use, according to the type of spam you receive. Personal Antispam X5 uses lexical filtering (also known as Bayesian analysis), attachment filters, whitelist and blacklist filters, and also filters URLs, using a database of known spam URLs that are often included in messages. Personal Antispam X5 also looks for specific types of headers and layout used in HTML messages, which are most often used for spam, allowing the program to not only search for content, but also for the subtle ways that spammers craft their messages.

After you have had Personal Antispam X5 learn from your e-mail, you can export your settings and spam database, and give it to friends, family or colleagues, so these people can get optimal spam filtering immediately, without having to wait for Personal Antispam X5 to learn from their e-mail. They can then have the program learn from the more specific types of spam and legitimate e-mail they receive to refine the program's efficiency.

Spam techniques are constantly changing, and Personal Antispam X5 offers monthly updates to fight new types of spam as they appear, and to update its database of spam URLs.

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