Part 1: Real Spirit TAUNTS US! (WARNING) Check Description

  • 7 jaar geleden
*WARNING* - potentially distressing content

*50 likes on this video and I'll go back and do a Ouija board in the room where we had the activity

*So we went to this abandoned house to do an explore as always, and expected all to be fine, but it wasn't! it was mad!

* Sorry about the length of this one, wanted to leave as much in as possible to retain authenticity :)

* A breakdown of the video;
-1:30 I shut up
-12:15 paranormal stuff starts, and we start getting a little freaked, well, mainly just me! (first 12 minutes we do an urban explore and have a laugh, all is fine you know)
-15:00 troll starts, this entity taunts us
-15:35 WTF
-18:20 CRAZY footage

* we remain quite calm in the video as it took a while for the activity to sink in as unusual, also, I find most of the real crazy paranormal activity while watching the footage back as you'll see at 18:20.

* Thanks for watching, leave us a thumbs up so that I have to come back and do a OUIJA Board.

* If you enjoyed this video or found it creepy, Subscribe to the channel and see my weekly uploads, got some CRAZY videos coming soon!

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*Abandoned School Video:


* Merrin has a channel too:
