Pence Returning From Latin America A Day Early Amid Turmoil Over Charlottesville

  • 7 years ago
Vice President Pence has announced that he will be shortening his trip to Latin America by about a day.

Vice President Mike Pence has announced that he will be shortening his trip to Latin America by about a day, telling reporters in Chile Wednesday, “We plan to end our trip a little bit early. I will return home tomorrow.”
According to the Associated Press, he will instead, “travel to Camp David with the president on Friday to meet with the White House national security team to discuss South Asia strategy.” 
Despite the reported focus on Asia, Pence's early return comes as President Trump continues to face significant backlash for attributing the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, to "both sides."
Pence was asked about the president’s controversial Tuesday remarks, and the vice president said he “stands with the president....” 
However, Pence also noted that he stands by the comments he himself made on Sunday night when he declared that the administration has “no tolerance for hate and violence from white supremacists, neo-Nazis or the KKK.” 
He then called for unity, saying, “...we're also praying that in America that we will not allow the few to divide the many. The strength of the United States of America is always strongest as the President has said so eloquently when we are united around our shared values.” 
