Lydur Gudmundsson’s guide to some rare dog breeds

  • 7 years ago
Here at Lydur Gudmundsson’s Canine Company we see so many different breeds of dog each and every day, from the family favourites to some of the more unusual breeds and mixed dogs. I have spent so many years working with dogs and there are still a number of breeds I’ve never heard of! I love learning about all the different types of animals, especially dogs. Recently I’ve been studying all the different breeds, with a particular focus on the rare breeds that I hadn’t heard of before and in this post I’m going to share some of my favourite new breeds I’ve learned. So, without any further ado, here is Lydur Gudmundsson’s guide to some rare dog breeds.

One of my favourite rare dog breeds is the Azawakh which originates from West Africa. This breed is typically used as a sighthound though they have become popular pets in recent years. This is due to their calm nature and their loyalty to their owners, not to mention their stunning looks. It is worth noting that they do require a lot of exercise so would be best suited to somebody living in the countryside with a reasonable amount of time on their hands for long walks.

Despite the fact that they are thought to be one of the oldest canine species in North America I have only recently learnt about the Carolina Dog. There are still wild pups roaming about in some parts of America but many of these canines have now been domesticated and are very popular as they are incredibly loyal with an excitable nature. In looks they are relatively similar to a Dingo with their curled tails and certainly need a lot of entertainment in order to keep their minds busy.

Certainly one of the prettiest rare breeds is the Catahoula Cur. These dogs are named after the area they originate from and were originally bred to herd cattle ready for market and have long been the favoured hunting dogs of many people. They’re beautiful appearance meant that it didn’t take long for them to become domesticated and they are now a favourite family pet across the world. They are known as being incredibly intelligent and inquisitive and make a great addition to any family home.

The Lundehund originally caught our eye here at Lydur Gudmundsson’s Canine Company because of their unusual feet – they have six toes on each foot! This addition makes them incredibly agile dogs which was perfect for when they were hunting Puffins, which is what they were originally bred for. Nowadays they are common pets across Europe and are known for being very energetic and loyal as well as being incredibly protective and great family pets.


