Lydur Gudmundsson’s top tips to keep your furry friend happy and healthy

  • 7 years ago
Not only can dog’s sense when you are feeling down or have had a truly terrible day, dogs have proven to improve one’s emotional well being, meaning feelings of anxiety and stress can be greatly reduced by spending quality time with your pet. Want to ensure your dog leads the best possible life it can? Well fear not, Lydur Gudmundsson is here to help you keep your dog feeling happy and healthy. Generally speaking, a quick walk around the block is not going to keep your dog content, which will likely result in destructive behavioural issues such as constant barking, or gnawing at anything in plain sight! So beware!
According to Lydur Gudmundsson, regular exercise and daily walks is highly recommended, as it simultaneously keeps you in shape, whilst also giving your beloved pooch lots of fun ways to play and interact with you. They get to experience new things, get excited and even meet new furry friends. If you are running low on time, then it is up to you to ensure your dog gets the appropriate amount of exercise, so I would advise setting up a doggy play date, or even hiring a professional dog walker.
Another factor to consider is your dog’s diet. Lydur Gudmundsson says it is fundamental in keeping all pups healthy. It also affects your dog’s skin, coat, and weight, so one should choose a high quality dog food from reputable companies as well as look into homemade diets. Understanding your dog and its needs is vital, because unlike humans, dogs can’t communicate to let you know when something is up, so it is important to observe their behaviour or any changes they might exhibit, and react to them accordingly. Remember never to feed your dog tit-bits from the table or your plate as this encourages attention-seeking behaviour. Many of the foods we eat, play havoc on a dog’s digestive system causing severe health problems, so it is important you do your research and read up on the types of food that are acceptable to feed your dog, otherwise what might have seemed like a harmless reward could actually result in something much worse.
Last but not least, don’t forget to celebrate National Dog Day on 26th August! Whether that means giving your pooch a kiss and a cuddle or buying your four legged pal a fashionable collar and leash, they will be sure to love you for it!