10 Most Extreme Pains Experienced By Humans

  • 7 years ago
These are the ten of the most extreme pains experienced by humans.

Pain is largely an unwelcome sensation, but some sorts are far worse than others.
Here are 10 of the most extreme varieties experienced by humans.
Number 10. Bullet Ant Sting. First of all, they’re relatively huge, measuring about an inch long. Second, the effects can drag on for upwards of 12 hours. One man unfortunate enough to experience the insect’s wrath recalls feeling as if he’d been shot, with a ‘tsunami’ of radiating pain coming in unrelenting waves.
Number 9. Burns. The after effects are often prolonged and layered. It’s not uncommon for those affected to simultaneously experience several pain types ranging from constant yet dull to intermittent and intense. Complicating the matter, both treatment and the natural healing processes often generate further agony.
Number 8. Childbirth. Imagine the worst cramping you’ve ever had, be it from menstruation or gas, then multiply that tens of thousands of times and add the feeling of being stabbed in the stomach. Those are but a few of experience accounts shared by women who have brought life into the world.
Number 7. Kidney Stones. The bulk of the mass often stretches the typically narrow path it’s in, triggering an avalanche of excruciating neural responses. As the stone moves, so do the prompts, resulting in cascading physical torment.
Number 6. Central Pain Syndrome. Caused by central nervous system damage, the condition renders sufferers in constant, varying intensities discomfort. Those can present as burning, ‘pins and needles’, and even intermittent bursts comparable to a dental implement hitting a raw nerve. Some also experience a heightened sensitivity to painful stimuli. Medications are often helpful, but tend to never be fully effective. (1,1,1-4;2,1,7-8;2,2,1)(Name
Number 5. Cluster Headaches. Considered by many to be the most intense pain a person can possibly ever experience, the headaches are often likened to a hot poker being shoved into the eye. Sometimes, the feeling extends through the face and neck. Treatments include oxygen therapy and injections.
Number 4. Trigeminal Neuralgia. Nerves are sensitive, so just guess how it must feel to have a blood vessel constantly putting pressure on wide-reaching one located in the head. If you said, ‘burning shocks being delivered to myriad regions of the face in rapid succession, sometimes for hours,’ you’re right. 
Number 3. Bladder Spasm. They can be set off by any number of conditions, including urinary tract infections and pregnancy and are often described as very intense cramps. How intense? One woman says when she experiences an onset it is as if her bladder is filled with broken glass and being squeezed.
Number 2. Broken Rib. There is, of course, the usual suffering associated with broken bones, but given the ribs’ placement in the body, damaging one has additional consequences. Distress can be intensified greatly by simply breathing or coughing. 

Number 1. Stone Fish Bite. If you plan to take a dip in a tropical ocean, become very familiar with what this aquatic creature looks like and avoid it. Stepping on one will produce enough pain to make amputation seem like a good idea. Their sting can also be fatal.
What’s the most intense pain you’ve ever experienced? 


