Trump Tweets: 'Money Is Beginning To Pour In’ To NATO

  • 7 years ago
President Trump has indicated that the pressure he put on NATO countries to contribute more to defense spending is working.

President Trump has indicated that the pressure he put on NATO countries to contribute more to defense spending is working. 
On Saturday, he tweeted, “Many NATO countries have agreed to step up payments considerably, as they should. Money is beginning to pour in- NATO will be much stronger.” 
Two days earlier, he had given a speech to the leaders of fellow member nations in Brussels, Belgium, telling them that in light of current and future threats, they “must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations…” 
He added that “23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they’re supposed to be paying for their defense…”
The five countries considered to be meeting the standard are the U.S., the U.K., Poland, Greece, and Estonia, according to the Hill.
Trump then said, “This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United States…..Over the last eight years, the United States spent more on defense than all other NATO countries combined.” 
CNN points out that while the alliance has set a defense spending goal of 2 percent of GDP, it is simply a guideline.
There is also no consolidated tally of the amount countries are actually spending, particularly since a fraction of that money gets sent to NATO, with the rest earmarked for domestic purposes. 
