Report Sheds Light On Trump's Source For Fake News

  • 7 years ago
Conspiracy theories and fake news are nothing new, but the level at which President Trump seems to find and buy into such reports has set off some alarms. According to Politico, some White House staffers are a source of the problematic, fact-free information.

Conspiracy theories and fake news are nothing new, but the level at which President Trump seems to buy into such reports has set off some alarms.

According to Politico, some White House staffers are a source of the problematic, fact-free information. 
The site notes, “While the information stream to past commanders-in-chief has been tightly monitored, Trump prefers an open Oval Office with a free flow of ideas and inputs from both official and unofficial channels. And he often does not differentiate between the two. Aides sometimes slip him stories to press their advantage on policy; other times they do so to gain an edge in the seemingly endless Game of Thrones inside the West Wing.” 
A White House official told Politico, “They have this system in place to get things on his desk now. I’m not sure anyone follows it.” 
The President’s willingness to believe a number of reports, despite the legitimacy of the source, has failed to benefit him on a number of occasions. 
Among the more notable is his assertion that during the 2016 campaign President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, reports CNN.
Evidence supporting the claim has proven nonexistent and Trump has since suggested he meant surveillance in general when making that comment.
This is not to say that Trump doesn’t believe that fake news exists; however, his targets tend to be longstanding and highly regarded media outlets and reports that cast him in a less-than-flattering light.
His tweets on the matter include, “Director Clapper reiterated what everybody, including the fake media already knows- there is ‘no evidence’ of collusion w/ Russia and Trump,” and, “General Flynn was given the highest security clearance by the Obama Administration - but the Fake News seldom likes talking about that.”
He also recently said via Twitter, “Why is it that the Fake News rarely reports Ocare is on its last legs and that insurance companies are fleeing for their lives? It's dead!”
