Balance from Kundalini Live

  • 7 years ago Kundalini Live is a high quality kundalini yoga practice recorded in Monterey California. Kundalini yoga is not a religion, it is a powerful tool and guided meditation that provides opportunities to better get to know oneself.

We do these basic stretches almost every class because we should get in the habit of warming the spine up before doing any serious yoga, the idea is that you relax the body, stretch a little bit, and then you can get into the more advanced postures, into the more strenuous exercise

this class is on balance, balancing the subtle body, the physical body, balancing the pranic flow of life force within the body, your job in this class and in this life is to keep conscious of your breath, don't let one breath go unnoticed

so see if in this class you can keep your mind from wandering, see if you can keep your mind from doing what IT does best, running away, with each inhale inhale wah, with each exhale, exhale guru, the wonderous dispeller of darkness, the bringer of light

we're not the personality, its the inner light that we relate to in each and every person, so don't let your mind wander with each inhale, follow it all the way to the base of the spine and with each exhale, allow the energy to rise up the spine`
