Definition of Kundalini

  • 11 years ago "By raising our kundalini in the most definitive way, we are raising our personal vibration to stand firm in the hectic energy of daily life" Sukhmandir Singh. Kundalini Live is a weekly online, high vibration kundalini yoga practice. This practice is an invaluable addition to the goal of living through our heart center and above. Kundalini yoga is an effective tool that anyone can utilize to obtain fresh report, directly from yourself, on whats actually possible. Changing vibration by harnessing our power and directing out through our heart center requires determination. Ego will not give up without a fight. Look again at the very real battle being fought in this video clip. Our class meets Wednesdays at 7pm. Classes are hosted at Wave Street Studios, a purpose built studio designed to record high vibration content. The studio is located on California's' Monterey Peninsula. Online students gain HD on-demand access to our growing library of classes as well as our current classes.
