Judge Attacked By Trump To Rule On Case Of Deported 'Dreamer'

  • 7 years ago
The judge who oversaw the lawsuit against Trump University has been assigned the case of Juan Manuel Montes, a 23-year-old who says he was recently deported while under the protection of President Obama’s DREAM act.

The judge who oversaw the lawsuit against Trump University has been recently assigned the case of Juan Manuel Montes, a 23-year-old who says he was deported on February 18 while under the protection of President Obama’s DREAM Act, reports CNN.
District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel is the man Donald Trump said last year should not be involved with the Trump University lawsuit because of his ‘Mexican heritage’ and that he may show bias due to the then candidate’s hardline on immigration, notes NBC News. 
Many criticized Trump’s suggestion, including House Speaker Paul Ryan who called it, "sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment." 
The Washington Post notes that Curiel, "who was born in Indiana to parents who emigrated from Mexico, made no public comments about Trump’s attacks and did not recuse himself in the Trump University case."
In regards to the upcoming case involving Montes, Kevin R. Johnson, the University of California, Davis, School of Law dean noted that Curiel, “…handles many cases involving the United States government. It is of interest because of the judge having been previously attacked — unfairly I think — by candidate Trump, but I don't think legally there's much of an issue here."


