Jamie Jupiter Voice Cast

  • 7 years ago
I think at one point or another, we all like to imagine what our characters would sound like if they were made into a TV show. So here's who I would cast/imagine as the voices of the characters in my webcomic, "Jamie Jupiter."

ORDER MY TRADE PAPERBACKS HERE: http://www.indyplanet.us/brands/kartooncomics/

MY WEBCOMIC: http://jamiejupiter.thecomicseries.com/

CHEAP COMMISSIONS: http://jamiejupiter.thecomicseries.com/shopandcommissions/

DEVIANT ART: http://kartoon12.deviantart.com/

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToonGal12?feature=mhee

TUMBLR: http://kartoon12.tumblr.com/

ASK JAMIE JUPITER BLOG: https://jamiejupiteraskblog.tumblr.com/

JAMIE JUPITER WIKIA PAGE: http://jamie-jupiter-webcomic-series.wikia.com/wiki/Jamie_Jupiter_webcomic_series_Wiki

MY AMAZON REVIEWS: http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A1CBWE1YZQ4VXG/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp