Undercover Boss Gives Afghanistan Veteran $20,000

  • il y a 7 ans
Undercover Boss Discovers Worker Is A Vet, Then Sits Down To Reveal His Identity
Jeff Dudan is CEO and founder of Advantaclean, a maintenance company that removes mold and cleans up things like water damage. It’s certainly not a glamorous job for many of the company’s workers, who have remove things like rat and insect droppings on a daily basis.

Jeff appeared on Undercover Boss and disguised himself as a grungy employee named Dusty. It was there that he met Kyle, one of his lead technicians.

Kyle revealed that he was a veteran who served in Afghanistan. He works full time at Advantaclean and goes to school part time to become a social worker. Kyle’s dream is to help veterans like himself because he has seen so many of them left out in the cold when they come home.

One of Kyle’s soldier brothers committed suicide in front of his wife and child because he couldn’t cope with his PTSD. Many of the other veterans he know suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. All he wants to do is help them.

Jeff was inspired by Kyle. He sat the employee down to reveal that he was in fact the CEO. Kyle was in shock, but what left him he even more stunned was what Jeff noticed about him. The boss told Kyle that if he were his son, he would be so proud of him.

Kyle was moved to tears. Then Jeff told him he would be giving him $20,000 to do whatever he wanted.

For Kyle, that means paying off his student loans so that he can realize his dreams of becoming an addiction counselor to veterans who so dearly need it.

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