Primeval Connor and Abby talk in a lab

  • 8 years ago
Connor goes to a room that Sarah was in she was telling him to look at the artifact that they had in the A.R.C she was scraping it Connor said it looks like some kind of lettering and Sarah said that it's numbers Sid came into the room and Connor tried to get him but he ran away. He went into a lab that Abby was in and Abby was talking about the plants and Connor was trying to see if Sid was in the lab. Abby told Connor how it was staying at his friends place Connor lied and said it's good and he told her how it was staying with her baby brother and if she was missing him, Sid finally appeared and Abby wanted to know why he was there Connor said he had to bring him to work because his friend was cleaning, Latter Danny and Becker were in the A.R.C and Connor was still on his search for Sid Danny wanted to know what the anomaly detection device did Connor said that he shouldn't be looking at it and that it's cool and that he made it. Connor found out that Sid chewed through the wiring on the detection device. James wanted to know why Connor was keeping animals in the A.R.C then when Connor got the anomaly detection device back working there was an anomaly