Primeval 3x6 clip

  • 8 years ago
Christine Johnson was spying on the members of the A.R.C and found out that they had the artifact that she wanted while Connor and Sarah were trying to figure out how it works they tried several things and one thing did work the artifact opened it's self up to revile what was inside then it went away. Sarah said did you see that it was just like Cutters map and that he knew about it Sarah wanted him to find a way to open it again but he forgot what he did to make it open. James, Becker and Danny were in his office talking about how Danny got in the building Danny mentioned that there was a camera in the vent Becker said that there wasn't one there then they start going through James's stuff he wanted to know what they were doing Danny went to a vent and found a camera he said smile boys. Abby said to connor what are you doing Connor said that they just opened the artifact Becker and Danny go to where Connor and Abby were and said that they need to leave because of Christine, Connor took the artifact and him and Abby went to another room Becker said that James told them to go to a safe house and to stay there until it's safe.

