Mega Powers MinistryTron

  • 16 years ago
This is the official MinistryTron for the Mega Powers stable in the Ministry of Darkness region of Souled Out. The theme is Nothing by A.

The Mega Powers originally started out as the tag team of The Great Khali and Bobby Lashley on WWE Raw. However, the team soon expanded in order to rival General Manager Eric Bischoff's New Raw Movement faction. Superstars such as Kane, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, Batista, Goldberg, Triple H and AJ Styles flocked to The Mega Powers side. New Raw Movement wrestlers such as Randy Savage, and Mickie James also converted to join The Mega Powers, with Mickie and Lashley becoming more than just friends.

Over time the stable started to dwindle. Randy Savage and Kane betrayed Roddy Piper and The Mega Powers to go off on their own. Triple H also betrayed Piper at Halloween Havoc but to join New Raw. Piper became ill and was forced to leave wrestling, while other members forged new allegiances or left Raw altogether.

Today the stable still exists with the original founders Khali and Lashley as well as Mickie James.
