NEW REVIEW - EVO4 Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds For Runners, Cross Trainers & At The Gym |

  • 8 years ago - Our EVO4 Bluetooth wireless ear buds are perfect for running, cross-training, working out at the gym - even hands-free in your car and at home! Here's what another of our happy EVO4 customers had to say about their new earbuds:

'I won these EVO4 earbuds as part of Another Mother Runner giveaway and I am so happy I did! The sound is so clear and truly blocks out other gym members and noises while I'm running, lifting, or doing other cross training. It makes it easy to get lost in the music when on the dreadmill for an extended period of time. The fit is great. I have really small ears, and finding an earbud that is not only comfortable but remains in place while running is difficult to say the least. Using the smallest cover and the rubber wings, these stay in for miles at a time.'
- Erin J.

review evo4 wireless bluetooth ear buds hands-free gym crosstraining running