Obama's "Typical White Person" Grandmother Comment Fallout

  • 16 years ago
When need for clarification surfaces in the game of politics, the resulting discourse often genders further ambiguity, misremembers and blunders, especially, in the case where the ultra-sensitive race button gets pushed. Obama's "typical white person" characterization of his grandmother came on the heels of his now famous race speech, coincidentally, an attempted clarification regarding his over 20 year affiliation and mentoring with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a controversial Chicago preacher who has spouted anti-American and anti-white comments from the pulpit on many occasions. In the grandmother clarification that took place during a Philly sports radio 610 WIP phone in interview, Obama regrettably wound up labeling her a "typical white person", something, more than likely, she will scold him mercilessly for.
