Study: Being A Twin May Come With Longevity Benefits

  • 8 years ago
Researchers at the University of Washington have discovered a potential huge perk to being a twin. The pairs appear to live longer than those born without such a companion.

Researchers at the University of Washington have discovered a potential huge perk to being a twin. 

According to their analysis of existing data, the pairs appear to live longer than those born without such a companion. 

Records used in the study were gathered from the Danish Twin Registry. 

The team focused on nearly 3,000 same sex twins born between the years of 1870 and 1900 to ensure all involved had lived their full lives. 

Overall, the duos showed greater longevity than their single countrymen, but there were notable gender-based differences. 

Male pairs tended to outnumber their lone counterparts most significantly while in their 40s, while the females’ advantage was most evident in the earlier years of their 60s. 

The team also noted that when it came to causes of death, the men were less likely to die prematurely due to accidents or behavior-related consequences. 

Strong social bonds are suggested as a key factor in twins’ increased longevity.  


