Review - New EDGE Wireless Bluetooth Headset |

  • 8 years ago - Amazing reviews of our new EDGE wireless Bluetooth headphones from Red Fox Wireless continue to pour in! Perfect for running, in the gym, in your car - they go everywhere! Read what this happy customer had to say recently about his own new EDGE wireless Bluetooth headphones:

'I am hearing impaired and the EDGE Headset has given me a new level of freedom in my hearing that I have not had since I was a teenager. I wear it at work for phone calls and the quality is fantastic. At 68 years of age, I can listen to my TV with my Sidekick (also a Red Fox product) and I can also enjoy my music hands free no matter what I am doing around the house! Absolutely love how these products have brought back my love for music and now I don't constantly have to ask callers to repeat themselves.'
- Sam F.

new edge wireless bluetooth headphones
