Nikon D60 Review

  • 16 years ago | You’ll see that your entire composition now is full of clouds and blue sky. On the Timeline tab, expand the Nikon D60 listing, and then expand the Transform effects. Scale the image down to about 30 percent by clicking and dragging the numeric value. On the Effect Controls tab, expand the Color Range listing, and also make sure the preview window is visible within it. You’ll see three eyedropper icons on the right side of the preview window. Select the middle eyedropper, which has the plus sign next to it. With the selected eyedropper, click the upper-left corner of the Nikon D60 image on the Composition tab. In a moment, After Effects will fade out the range of blue in the sky you chose. Select the middle eyedropper with the plus sign again, and then click the bottom right of the Nikon D60 on the Composition tab. The rest of the sky will fade out, as shown in Nikon D60. This Color Range key works well for the clouds because the transition from the clouds to the transparent area is soft and natural, perfect for clouds.
