Atlantis returns! Plus is This The End For HD-DVD?

  • 16 years ago
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Today in the national headlines: Atlantis returns! Plus is this the end for HD DVD?

Hi everyone I'm Andrea Rene and you're watching the national

headlines from get the

The space shuttle Atlantis returned to Kennedy Space Center

today after a 5 million mile journey. The seven astronauts on

board were all in good health and glad to be back on the

ground, especially NASA astronaut Daniel Tani who was on board

the international space station for 120 days! The return

highlights a successful delivery of a new European lab to the

space station, and despite some minor technical problems,

everything went off without a hitch. NASA next mission is only

3 weeks away when the first piece of Japan's new space station

lab is sent into orbit.

The battle to be the one and only high definition DVD format

took a decisive victory for Blu Ray fans. WalMart stores Inc.

have decided to sell Blu ray format DVD exclusively, and will

begin phasing out all HD DVD products immediately. As the

world's largest retailer with over 4,000 stores in the U.S.,

it comes as a win for Sony and devastating blow to the already

falling HD DVD technology developed by Toshiba. Many consumers

were frustrated by having two similar options for the new HD

expereience, and instead of trying to support both types of

technology, the people have spoken and they chose BLURAY.

Other large electronics chains to join the Blu Ray movement

include Best Buy and Netflix. PLUS, Warner Brothers, 20th

Century Fox, Walt Disney, and Lionsgate have all announced

they will release only in blu ray format as well. AND yes

there is more, Microsoft has even said that if consumer demand

is high enough, they will start converting the Xbox 360 from

HD DVD to Blu ray as well (which is one of the major selling

points of the Playstation 3).

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