The best 3 assassins in gaming

  • 9 years ago
9 - My pick is the fantastic Dishonored, a game starting Corvo Attano - who isn’t really an assassin, but a royal guard. However, when his queen is slain, he puts his honor aside to go after her murderers – so yeah, kind of assassin-esq. Using stealth and powers he has been gifted by the mystical Outsider, Corvo is easily able to move undetected. Be it the ability to turn into a rat or freeze time, taking the role of this avenger makes you feel like you have the power. Nothing quite compares to the Blink ability, though. This has you teleporting through the world, able to shank fools before they realize you are there. It’s the closest thing I have seen to an X-men Nightcrawler power in a game – made all the more impressive thanks to it all being in first person. Sure, you could NOT kill people, but where’s the fun in that? 9 - Now, another of our editors – Danni - has played a lot of murders stealth games. But for him, you can forget Hitman or Assassins Creed, because his favorite stealthy killers appear in RPGs – which I guess technically make them him – I really need to think about moving desk. It is the assassin class in Skyrim and the previous The Elder Scrolls titles that Danni enjoys so much. And the main reason for this are the fantastic The Dark Brotherhood guild quests that take you from thug to stealthy killer. Then there are the skills you learn from this training: you can poison an arrow to drain your prey, or use spells to confuse the target before moving in for the kill. There are endless possibilities – even killing people with an apple. And finally, Danni just likes the assassin’s dark stealthy fashion sense; but then he does usually wear a cloak around the office… 7- Aveline de Grandpré, is the star of Assassin's Creed: Liberation, and our very own Maria feels that she is the greatest murderer in the Assassin's Creed saga. Aveline deserves to be placed on a podium within the Assassins Creed universe as she truly embodies the idea of stealth and moving between worlds. She is able to take on, and exploit, any of three personalities - adopting each depending on the situation. Obviously she can be a lethal assassin, but also an aristocratic lady, or a slave. This means she can rub shoulder with her next target at a society event in skirts and petticoats, or kill a slave owner while garbed in work clothes. Yes, Liberation may not be the best in the series – in part due to the game’s origins on the PS Vita and its limited length, but the plotline and assassinations are really enjoyable thanks to Aveline’s multiple personas – a feature that really should make a comeback.

