Democratic Race in Iowa Likely to Be Decided by Turnout

  • 8 years ago
After all the ads, rallies, and canvassing, now there's nothing left but for Iowa's voters to finally have their say Monday night at the critical first-in-the nation caucuses.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are locked in a tight race in the state that will help set the trajectory of the rest of the nominating contest.
A win for Sanders would be a major upset that could carry his insurgent candidacy deep into the spring, while a win for Clinton would blunt Sanders' rise and help put her on a glide path to the Democratic nomination.
It's a cliché, but this time it's true: The race will likely be decided by turnout.
If the total number of caucus-goers is close to the 240,00 that showed up on the Democratic side in 2008, Sanders could win.
But if turnout is closer to the 125,00 that came out in 2004, Clinton is the favorite.
