Oscars 2012 Best Picture Nominee: Midnight in Paris - Trailer

  • 13 anni fa
Oscars 2012 Best Picture Nominee: Midnight in Paris - Trailer: "Midnight in Paris" is a romantic comedy that follows a family travelling to the city for business. The party includes a young engaged couple that has their lives transformed throughout the journey. The film celebrates a young man's great love for Paris, and simultaneously explores the illusion people have that a life different from their own is better. Release Date: May 20, 2011

Kathy Bates
Adrien Brody
Carla Bruni
Marion Cotillard
Rachel McAdams
Michael Sheen
Owen Wilson
Nina Arianda
Kurt Fuller
Tom Hiddleston
Mimi Kennedy
Alison Pill
Corey Stoll

Director: Woody Allen

Genre: Comedy, Romance

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