Cat Gets A Chance To Live Fuller Life With Titanium Alloy Logs

  • 9 years ago
Vincent is a three-year-old domestic short-haired cat with titanium-alloy prosthetic hind legs. It's hoped he'll soon have something close to a full range of motion—including the ability to jump.

Vincent the cat has titanium-alloy prosthetic legs—believed to be one of only a couple dozen animals in the world with that type of prosthesis. 

Dr. Mary Sarah Bergh, the veterinary surgeon who attached Vincent’s legs, said, “His bone is looking great. The implants are stable, and he’s walking really well on them. I anticipate that he’ll be jumping and doing really normal cat things very soon."

The three-year-old domestic short-hair was rescued from an animal shelter in rural Nevada as a kitten. At the time, he was missing his hind legs below his shinbones due to unknown circumstances. 

And now, aft


