Amario the game - enemy, MASS, physics, mechanics

  • 9 years ago
Sup' this is update for Amario the game:

Added some cool mechanics to enemies, physics, game flow and some other things.

In the video You can see as I struggle to trap red sphere (this is called red collector - it doesn't have green nucleus inside) to other sphere (blue collector). This is a strategy. Viruses (red spheres with green nucleus) will always follow some rules - they will try to attack the player if he is in range or they will be attracted to red collector if in range.

This way I tried to somewhat 'trap' viruses to follow red collector. Red collector have it's own set of instructions - it will always drag viruses if they are in range and it will ALWAYS follow player slowly.

Neither of collectors is harmful toward player. But beware - red collector can and will attract viruses so it is possible to get GAME OVER if not paying attention where collectors are.

There is another funny thing about collectors in general - they are very fragile - they will break if hit by player's ammunition of any kind.

I trapped red collector inside blue one because if collectors of different size collide with each other it will be 'teleported' inside of bigger collector and trapped there. There are some rules to that too - if blue collector if full of cubes it is possible to eject what is inside eg. red collector.

This mechanics give a lot of ways of maximizing the profit - profit is roughly to collect as much cubes as possible in shortest time. This takes manual skill but more importantly - generic logic thinking skills.

Blue collectors are work in progress - they currently attract both green and red MASS cubes. This will probably be changed in the future.

RED MASS - it has unique property - it does not react with every other particle in game:
it doesn't react with green cubes in any way
it cannot be 'collected' with player shooting ammo at it
it can and will be 'collected' by red viruses
it cannot be collected by green viruses

Right now I realised that explaining all this is probably futile because it might change in future a bit - better watch video and figure what is happening.

Please tell me what could be done better and general vibe this video gives You.

Thank You for watching!