Ten Most Intriguing Exoplanets

  • 9 years ago
Here are 10 most intriguing planets according to a NASA survey.

NASA recently asked over "60 leaders in the field of exoplanet observations" to list "their favorites among the nearly 2,000 known exoplanets."
Based on their responses, here are 10 of the most intriguing.
Number 10. 55 Cancri e
This planet orbits its star in just 18 hours. That short orbit has the planet eternally tidally locked with—and seared by—its own sun. 
Number 9. Kepler-444 system

This system is the oldest-known in existence. It proved that solar systems have been around in the Milky Way since close to its inception. 
Number 8. Kepler-10b
Burnt, Earth-sized and rocky; this planet is at least believed to have an ocean. The only catch is that it's likely an ocean of lava. 
Number 7. Kepler-22b


