Rouhani: Iran Ready for Prison Swap with Americans

  • 9 years ago
Tehran will work to free three Americans from its prisons if the United States releases jailed Iranians, President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday, according to AFP .
"If the Americans take the appropriate steps and set them free, certainly the right environment will be open and the right circumstances will be created for us to do everything within our power and our purview to bring about the swiftest freedom for the Americans held in Iran as well," Rouhani, who is visiting New York for the UN General Assembly, told CNN .
At least three Americans, all of them of Iranian heritage, are in jail in Iran including Jason Rezaian, a correspondent for The Washington Post who was arrested in July 2014 and accused of spying .
For its part, Iran has sought the freedom of 19 of its citizens who are jailed in the United States in connection with Washington's sanctions against the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.
