Greece election: Polls neck-and-neck ahead of Sunday's vote

  • 9 years ago
Preparations for Greece’s snap elections on Sunday are almost complete.

On Friday, a convoy of trucks distributed election materials to polling stations across the capital, Athens.

A total of 19 parties and party coalitions are set to battle it out in the vote.

Syriza party leader Alexis Tsipras called the vote after agreeing a third bailout for the country after just seven months as prime minister.

With opinion polls neck-and-neck, many voters are undecided.

“After my wage has been cut by 40-45 percent, being an educator for children with a wage of 883 euros, for 15 years of working at schools, I expect nothing,” said one man.

“I hope that these elections will bring stability to the current situation and bring us back to normality,” said a woman.

With polls suggesting no clear winner, it sets the stage for a cliffhanger vote on Sunday between the political left and right and the near certainty the next government will be a coalition.

‘Election on mute’ as latest


