Open Season: Peter Fonda (1974)

  • 17 years ago

Three men, former soldiers in Vietnam, already authors of the book, "rape of a girl," but who were not declared guilty, leave in weekend. On the road, they kidnap a young couple, Martin and Nancy, and take them along in a hut, at the fine bottom of the mountain. There, they will reduce them to simple slaves, making them make the domestic spots and treating them like animals. Until the day when the three friends decide to let leave the couple. But those have just included/understood it why of this gesture: they will be used as game to the three men, become followers of hunting for the man…

A good film of environment, rather unhealthy of share the subject, and very quite carried out. It is here about psychological and nonvisual horror, the film not being absolutely bloody. But the way of humiliating the young couple, the cruel behavior of the men towards Martin, make it very dramatic. One will note the excellent service of Peter Fonda. The film holds in breath until the final outcome. A modern version of famous “Huntings of the Count Zaroff” whom I appreciated!