Study: Climate Change Killed Woolly Mammoth

  • 9 years ago
A team of researchers appears to have solved the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the woolly mammoth, giant sloth and other large land mammals who went extinct during the last ice age. Their findings suggest climate change was to blame.

Woolly mammoths, cave lions and giant sloths are just a few of the massive “megafauna” who were completely wiped out around 11,000 years ago. Their disappearance has captivated and confused both the public and scientists for hundreds of years. 

That confusion may be coming to an end.

A team of researchers led by Alan Cooper, the director for the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide, recently published a study in Science attributing the megafaunal extinctions to abrupt climate change.

According to the study, short, rapid warming
