Qaisar Mohammad | 7th Graduate Conference

  • 9 yıl önce
Role of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in Rejuvenating Faith in Turkey


In the Muslim World, the most important and significant place after Mecca and Medina had been Ottoman Turkey for its pivotal position of holding the flag of Islamic Caliphate for more than six centuries. But, there was a topsy-turvy of Caliphate in the beginning of the 20th century. Caliphate was abolished in 1924. Turkey became a Republic coming out of the ashes of Ottoman Empire. Ataturk overhauled and reconditioned the affairs of Turkey. The Pro Ataturk out rightly forsook the Religion and bruised Islam in all the spheres of life-political, social, religious and economic. But, Said Nursi took the initiative to resuscitate the extinguished faith at a time when scholars and religious leaders had failed to guide the society in almost all the spheres of life. Said Nursi wanted to fill this spiritual void of republican secularism by founding, not a Sufi order, but rather a text-based movement that people would join by studying his writings. In fact, Said Nursi filled this gap left by the Republican regime which neglected the importance of religion in the everyday life of the people. He provided his followers with a map that directed them in their daily lives by revitalizing a pious idiom and Said’s unifying goal was to provide a Quranic answer to the materialist challenge as he gave more emphasis on faith matters. His spirit of struggling for Islamic revival remained live throughout his life. Said Nursi’s “Only Successor” Risala i Nur has been proving to be a panacea for the faith of sizeable number of Muslims in Turkey. Through Nur Community, the powerful religious discourses are organized mainly at Dershanes (Nur Study Centers), giving shape to particular types of Muslim subjects with a certain ethical commitment, and also as moments where a collective social bond is shaped and strengthened through the original piece of equipment provided by devout Nurcu brotherhood.
