Sid Vicious Interview: 1977

  • 17 years ago
March of 1977, Rodney conducted his first ever transatlantic interview, not with London Calling's Beverly, but with none other than Sid Vicious and Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols. You can hear a clip of Rodney's interview with Sid on the Sex Pistols video cassette, "Buried Alive" aka "Sex Pistols #1". The interview took place before Sid was officially in the group. Sid probably wasn't on junk quite yet but he still acts like an idiot. Just another adventure on Rodney on the Roq!

KING: Did Sid Vicious also record it? ANKA: Oh, yes.

KING: He did?

ANKA: Oh, yes, he really did it.

KING: Do a lot of people use it?

ANKA: It's got a couple hundred covers. The Sid Vicious record he did in Paris with a make-up band. There's been an eclectic array of people that have done it in every way in every language. Well, the French government recently gave me their top honor, their Letter D'Arts, and it's probably the most played song in the world as far as they're concerned.

KING: More with Paul Anka on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE, salute to a legend.

Don't go away.


FRANK SINATRA, ENTERTAINER (singing): The record shows I took the blow and did it my way, my way.