Researchers In China Plan To Perform Primate Head Transplant

  • 9 years ago
A team of researchers is planning to not only perform a head transplant on a primate, but to do it in a way that results in the animal’s unassisted survival.

Though scientists in movies have been dabbling with head transplants for decades, real world scientists haven’t quite so enthusiastically embraced the procedure.

A team of researchers at China’s Harbin Medical University is planning to not only perform one on a primate but do it in a way that results in its unassisted survival. 

The group has chosen the macaque monkey as the species that will undergo the trial.

They’re well aware of the issues, both ethical and scientific, they’ll face but remain hopeful.

Among the greatest challenges is the fact that the head is connected to the body by about a hundred billion nerves. 

The plan at this time is to attach only what’s


