10 Fascinating Facts About Supervolcanoes

  • 9 years ago
Here are 10 fascinating facts about supervolcanoes.

Erupting volcanoes are generally bad news, but when they’re among the most powerful variety the destruction they cause is of epic proportions.

Here are 10 amazing, and somewhat terrifying, facts about supervolcanoes.

Number 10. They can spread acid rain to the ends of the Earth. Researchers have discovered traces of sulfuric acid embedded in the ice caps near both the north and south poles. It’s believed it got there via the eruption of Indonesia’s Toba supervolcano, which occurred approximately 74 thousand years ago.

Number 9. The force of an eruption would exceed that of an atomic blast. Should one blow at full strength, it’s possible it would produce an effect closer to that of 1 thousand atomic bombs detonating per second. 

Number 8. They’re located beneath volcanic pits. The indentations are called calderas, and some existing today have been linked to all sorts of unwelcomed g


