Scion Fable of the Deviants attacking Sheeple

  • 17 years ago
Scion's "Little Deviants" commercial spot depicts demons coming out of the New World Order abyss and attacking the Sheeple

I receive many emails from readers all the time alerting me to certain events and items that have eschatological significance. Sometimes I can include these in the alert and many times I cannot due to time and space constraints. However, the depravity of this one along with it's alluded scriptural reference that although twisted is so disturbing, I believe we must be aware of it. Thank you to the alert reader who shared this.

Scion, a division of Toyota whose marketing focus is towards Generation-Y (generally born from 1978 - 1998) has a new ad campaign called "Little Deviants" in which the phrase "be a little deviant" is used towards their new xD vehicle. What is even stranger is that the production company that produced this campaign is called Shilo.

A dark fairy tale depicts the gruesome slaughter of the boring sheeple
