'Ice Volcano' At Letchworth State Park Captures Attention

  • 9 years ago
Letchworth State Park in New York is attracting quite a few people despite bitter temperatures and lots of snow on the ground. During very cold winters, there's a certain attraction that individuals love to see and its often referred to as an "ice volcano".

Very cold weather can lead to interesting landscape features you typically would not see otherwise.

When winters are frigid, there's a certain attraction at Letchworth State Park in New York that is often referred to as an "ice volcano". Of course it's not actually a volcano but is instead a beautiful geyser located near the historic Glenn Iris Inn.

During the warmer months and mild winters, the fountain sends up jets of water but when temperatures reach drastic lows as they have this year in New York, it looks more like an ice covered monument.

Assistant Park Manager Douglas Kelly stated, "It's still spraying out of the top of the cone. It's at least 50 feet high. It's quite spectacular this time of year." The colder the te