Vacation Time Off A Possible Mandate For Japanese Workers

  • 9 years ago
The Japanese government plans to introduce legislation to force workers to take at least five vacation days a year by holding employers responsible.

The Japanese government is planning to introduce legislation in parliament that would make employers legally responsible for ensuring that their workers take at least five paid vacation days a year.

This is an effort to combat the country’s notorious workaholic culture.

According to data gathered by the Japanese government, about 22 percent of its workers put in more than 49 hours a week which exceeds that of Americans at 16 percent and French and Germans at 11 percent.

Only South Koreans were reported to work more, at 35 percent.

Reportedly, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare found in 2013 that employees only took about half their allowed 18.5 days of paid leave.

The Japan Times quoted another poll that showed one in six took no paid vacation at all.

This extreme commitment to work is believed to have had detrime
