A Divided Nation (Scottish Independence: Still A National, Heated Debate)

  • 9 years ago
Scotland has been part of a union with England since 1707. In the last few decades an independence movement has been gathering pace to take Scotland’s domestic and foreign affairs out of London’s hands. The Scottish National Party currently governs in the devolved parliament in Edinburgh, and has mounted a vigorous campaign for independence. Meanwhile, most of the other mainstream parties, both in Scotland and the rest of the UK, are backing the “No” vote.
Our documentary captures contrasting views coming from the two camps. Featuring interviews with John Wight and Elaine Smith, from the “No” and “Yes” campaigns, respectively, you can view both sides of the debate and sense their feelings during the campaign, at the vote time, and after the vote. The campaign lasted about two years. Finally, on September 18, 2014, the Scottish people voted on the fate of their nation in an independence referendum. In the referendum, the “No” vote slightly prevailed since, to a great extent, voters, especially older ones, felt they would be economically worse off under independence. The “Yes” voters failed to break up the Union, but they feel that one day Scotland will be independent.
The final results of the vote indicate that a divided Scotland demands change in the status quo from the Westminster.

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