North Korea Experiencing Internet Blackout

  • 9 years ago
A week after allegedly staging the Sony Pictures Entertainment computer hack, North Korea's internet is down.

North Korea is currently experiencing an internet blackout.

The country has four official networks that run through China and connect the country to the Internet. The connectivity issues began yesterday before a complete outage occurred today.

North Korea has been blamed for allegedly hacking into Sony Corporation's computer system. The intrusion revealed Hollywood secrets, deleted information and prevented the release of American film, "The Interview."

The glitch could be nothing more than technological or maintenance issues, but it's timing has many, including two cybersecurity firms, believing it's a cyberattack.

Theories of its cause include a retaliation attack by the U.S. or shut down by China amidst the Sony hack. Anonymous vigilante hackers are also potential suspects.

It's possible that North Korea inflicted this upon themselves, as a preemptive defense against an oncoming cyber-attack, but this is deemed unlikely.

The outage was first reported by the North Korea Tech blog, but a spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department wouldn't confirm if it was a cyber-attack.
